Contacts Embassies of Belarus

Main Landmarks of Belarus

Belarus is located in the very heart of Europe. By its territory (207.6 square meters) it exceeds Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Slovakia,and Estonia. Do you like to travel, discover new countries, get acquainted with new people and collect vivid impressions, but Belarus is still terra incognita, a blind spot on the map of Europe? It’s time to make up for this unfortunate overlook. Let’s become acquainted!

In the Middles Ages, the lands now known as Belarus were called the Country of Castles. Today it is more often called “blue-eyed”, the country of thousands of lakes. And thanks to forests, which occupy one third of the territory of the country, and the unique bog complexes it is also called the “lungs of Europe”.
Despite numerous wars and territory partition throughout its centuries-old history, Belarus managed to preserve a rich cultural heritage. Castles and extraordinary nature reserves, old family estates and churches, ethnographic villages… Unique and truly breathtaking landmarks can be found in each of the six regions of the country.
We present you with the most famous sights of the Republic of Belarus that each and every Belarusian, as well as guests of our country must visit.

Belarus has a lot to offer. You will discover a magnificent country, dressed in the greens of sanctuary forests, shining in the sun with the mirrorlike surfaces of blue lakes, keeping secrets of ancient castles and legends of cozy towns. You will dive into the special atmosphere of harmony, filled with songs of the rarest birds and steeped in kindness of hearts of the locals. Prepare for immersion into the wonderful world of Belarus – the country in the very heart of Europe. Do not miss out on the fun and unique tourist destination. We are inviting you to experience Belarus!

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